Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Tiniest Fashion Show

June 24, 2012

So I've gotten pretty bad with the updates lately.  Honestly there hasn't been that much to write about . . . I like that.  The girls have made steady progress.  They are putting on weight and ditching the mole rat look.  They are even starting to get little butt cheeks.  Evalyn just broke 3 pounds!

It's hard to believe they've been in the NICU for over 5 weeks.  Harder still to believe that they are probably only halfway through their stay.

Yesterday friends of ours from church threw Heidi a baby shower.  Although I would have loved to be there (SARCASM), I decided to stay home and dig up the backyard, it was awesome.  I'm sure you all really want to hear about that but too bad.  My point is that all I have to go on regarding the shower is Heidi's word and she said it was great . . . except the stripper dude was too hairy (do I even have to say I'm kidding?).  All the ladies at the shower made little headbands of various sizes for our girls.  We took those headbands and a frilly pink skirt to the NICU and played a little dress up with the girls.  We couldn't try all the headbands on today, the girls can only stand so much excitement, but they will all get their share of head time.  Enjoy the photo shoot below and a big thank you to all who participated in the shower.

Evalyn's Shoot
"Pinky up is classy"

Striking a pose

"I feel so pretty"

 Lillian's Shoot
"Wha . . . I was having the weirdest dream . . ."

"Let's get this started"

"I need a pink skirt!"

"Oh my gosh! This is really happening!"
"All is well"

"You can photo shop out the nasal cannula right?" 

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