Monday, June 4, 2012

We Get to Take Some Good With the Bad

As you are well aware our girls have had a bit of a rough time lately.  Today we got to see some solid progress and it feels really good.

Lillian pulled through a second day off the respirator using a CPAP.  She had her IV removed and is getting all of her calories from Mom's milk.  She is gaining weight consistently 28 grams from yesterday and is getting close to two pounds, I know pretty big.

While the nurse was preparing to remove Lillian's IV she swabbed her arm with some water to loosen up the tape.  Lillian did not like that at all.  So she did what all babies do when they aren't happy . . . she cried and it was a sweet as anything you've ever heard.  Sure that sounds kind of crazy, but both Lillian and Evalyn have been intubated pretty much the entire time since they were born so this was the first time Heidi got to hear her cry.

Lillian all swaddled up (they used a cloth diaper)

While I was visiting she opened her eyes for a long time and held my finger while she got a diaper change.  She may be tiny but she can stink it up in a big way!

Evalyn has been taken off the oscillatory ventilator and moved to a less intensive ventilator.  Her breathing appears to be more stable this time around so we are hopeful she will stay off for good.  She has been able to tolerate her feedings well so they are increasing the amount of milk she receives on a regular basis.  If she continues making progress we may be able to avoid the steroids altogether.

Evalyn holding her ventilator tube

Heidi got to change her diaper and take her temperature today.  She was pretty excited about that.  I'm hoping that she holds on to that feeling for a long time.

It's wonderful to see the girls making progress and hope and pray that it continues.  It's been over two weeks now and we have yet to hold our girls and maybe another 10 weeks until they are able to come home.


  1. Yay for good news. Sweet and precious stories - this will be so great to look back on for those little girls.


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