Friday, June 8, 2012

Kangaroo Time

Evalyn has made a spectacular turn around.  Just a few days ago Evalyn was on the oscillatory ventilator at high settings and generally looking pretty sick.  Today she has been extubated and ready to come off the CPAP to the nasal cannula.  In addition to that she has been able to tolerate her feedings well and is now being fed nearly the same as Lillian.

Here's our theory Evalyn saw her little sister getting all that snuggle time with mom and said no way is she getting mom all to herself.  So she set some goals and it worked.  Heidi was able to hold Evalyn today and I have proof.

Let's have a closer look at that my little girl

Right now Kangaroo Care is limited to once per day.  Of course Kangaroo priority goes to mom, but now that we've got two girls in need of some snuggle time I got to hold Lillian today.

Clearly there won't be any fawning over how great I look, but honestly I'm about as photogenic as Elanor Roosevelt.

Apparently Lillian didn't care for our photo shoot gone awry, she is used to working with a real pro, and her oxygen levels started to drop.  Consequently we had to return her to the incubator after only 15 minutes.  I'm trying not to take it personally, but I didn't save the last Popsicle in the freezer for her either.

Thanks for reading


  1. "So she set some goals and it worked"! Who wouldn't want a little snuggle time? Great pictures!

  2. I am so glad this miracle is happening! We will keep praying for them.

  3. Oh you had to pick a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt. Now your mom is going to be even more confused!!

  4. Great progress girls! Way to go!

  5. Love it! Thanks for keeping the rest of us in the loop. Your family, especially the girls, are in our prayers!


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