Monday, June 18, 2012

Backlog of Blogs

I've had a really off week on the updates.  I got sick and haven't been able to visit the girls.  Heidi has been able to go, but has to wear a mask just in case she's getting ready to get sick.  It looks like Preston is sick now and Jackson and Dawson are getting the sniffles.  This could have a really ugly effect on our visits.
The girls have shown steady growth and improvement.  Evalyn has pretty much caught up with Lillian in health.  Both remain off of a respirator receiving additional oxygen through a nasal cannula.  Evalyn's breathing seems a little rapid/labored so it is being watched.  They are both just over two and a half pounds.  

Looking at pictures from birth to now and you can see a lot of differences beyond size.
Evalyn June 16th

Lillian June 16th

Evalyn May 18th (birth)

The skin looks much healthier.  When they were born their skin was very shiny and translucent.  It's hard to capture through the incubators (actually called an isolette) but their veins were very visible through the skin.  They couldn't open their eyes yet as their eye lids hadn't separated yet.

They are more alert and looking around.  They are also more active.  Lillian managed to flip over taking her bedding with her.

They are doing more baby like things as well, for better or worse, Lillian spit up on Heidi the other day.

On a real positive note they can be held together.

Heidi has her hands full. . . for the next 18-20 years

She also has her chest full, she'll get that back much sooner
Now for the awww moment.  When Evalyn and Lillian were reunited for the first time since delivery Evalyn reached over and grabbed Lillian's hand.  Sure it's probably just a reflex, she grabs everything, but let's just go with the super cute and sweet explanation for now.


  1. Actually, it probably wasn't just a reflex, them holding hands. Lots of studies show that having twins close to each other, even sharing an incubator, boosts their health and growth. They love each other! Let me know if you wanna see the research and I'll get it for you!

  2. I would love to read the research,Brittanie! Thanks!

  3. Awwwww, I absolutely think it was more than reflex! That is just awesome. I love hearing about their development. Little miracles!


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