Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Two Months in the NICU

July 10, 2012

Thursday will mark 8 weeks in the NICU for our girls.  They continue to make strong progress.  Here is what has been happening since my last post:


Evalyn is 5 grams shy of four pounds.  She's out of the isolette and in an open bed.  She is still getting oxygen but the levels are pretty low.  She's also eating from a bottle!  She makes quick work of the bottle, finishing 32 ccs in under 15 minutes.  Both Evalyn and Lillian are getting pretty anemic and are awaiting another blood transfusion.  They'll receive more of my blood probably on Thursday.
Evalyn Sleeping


Lillian is trailing Evalyn's weight by about 3 oz.  Her lungs continue to be stronger.  She also got out of the isolette, but only for a day.  She's still too small to maintain her body temperature on her own.  She got off oxygen entirely for a couple of days, but had to go back on at least partially due to the anemia.  She was also a bit slower to drink an entire bottle, but she was able to drink an entire bottle for the first time today.
A very alert Lillian

Bath time with Lillian
The nurses put us on notice today.  They told us we had to have everything ready for the girls to come home two weeks from now.  That's far from a sure thing, there is a lot they have to do before they are able to come home, but it could be that soon.  They also won't necessarily come home at the same time.

We took Jackson and Preston to see the girls again.  They were excited about it.  Preston got bored really quickly, but was excited to hold their hands.  Jackson got to help take their temperature.

Jackson and Lillian

That's not a grown up hand.  That's Jackson holding Lillian's hand


  1. great post! love the photo with jackson! xoxo

  2. Thanks Debbie! Notice the color of Lillian's hair. hmmm?

  3. Yeah, two weeks would be fabulous! Is Lillian a red-head?

  4. It sure looked like it that night Holly!

  5. I found your blog through the monoamniotic twins blog website. I am currently 24 weeks with momo twins and going inpatient at 26 weeks. Thank you for documenting your journey online~ it is helpful to read positive, encouraging (although still hard) stories of families that have gone through what we are getting ready to face. Your girls are so beautiful and I am so happy they are continuing to do well!!!

    1. Jen congratulations on your twins! It is definitely a roller coaster ride. Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad our blog can be a help to others. Have you joined the momo group on FB? It is a wonderful support group. I'm thinking of trying to find other momo Moms in my area. Good luck with your pregnancy! I would love updates on how things are going for you.



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